Betekenis van:
die out

to die out
  • uitsterven, uitgestorven
  • become extinct



to die out
    • cut or shape with a die




    1. This bad practice will gradually die out.
    2. Some think that the Berber language might die out.
    3. Your physical body will wear out and die one day.
    4. If the sun were to go out, all living things would die.
    5. The polar bear, which lives on the polar ice-cap, will lose its home and die out.
    6. About midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt, and all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die.
    7. The crocodile, which produces only male young in hotter weather, might die out too because there will be no females to breed.
    8. der Waren, auf die sich dieses Handelspapier bezieht, erklärt, dass diese Waren, soweit nicht anderes angegeben, präferenzbegünstigte ... [20] Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates, in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out, by means of the symbol “CM”.
    9. It is to be made clear in the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg Act [Gesetz über die Landesbank Baden-Württemberg] that the commercial activities of the Landesbank are to be carried out in accordance with business principles and the tasks for which the Landesbank is responsible should also be taken into account.
    10. In relation to navigation lighting the rules are set out in ICAO Annex 14 [19]. In Germany, the ‘General Principles of the Federation and the Länder on the marking and navigation lighting of airports with instrument flying’ (Gemeinsame Grundsätze des Bundes und der Länder über die Markierung und Befeuerung von Flugplätzen mit Instrumentenflugverkehr) apply these rules.
    11. der Waren, auf die sich dieses Handelspapier bezieht, erklärt, dass diese Waren, soweit nicht anders angegeben, präferenzbegünstigte … [2] Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Mellila, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out by means of the symbol “CM”.
    12. der Waren, auf die sich dieses Handelspapier bezieht, erklärt, dass diese Waren, soweit nicht anderes angegeben, präferenzbegünstigte ... [16] Origin of products to be indicated. When the invoice declaration relates in whole or in part, to products originating in Ceuta and Melilla, the exporter must clearly indicate them in the document on which the declaration is made out, by means of the symbol “CM”. Ursprungswaren sind. Estonian version